Look into my mind, look into my world

Sunday, February 7, 2010


There's a certain light that we look for when all else fails. A certain light that's there no matter what, whether we create it in our minds or not. Whether it's really there or just a false apparition of our fallen minds. Hope.

Hope triggers the souls deepest intentions.

We look to the ocean when a hurricane comes upon us, we look to the sky when lighting hits above us. The truth is that we want to know what's out there for what it really is.

But when it comes to emotions, we don't want to know anything. All we want to know is the words that will make us feel better. But that's not always the truth.

One who seeks the truth makes promises they can keep.

Truth: We all live in denial; admit it. Open your eyes, what do you see? Is it everything you really wanted? Is it more? Too much? Too little? Is everything perfect...but still doesn't seem right? Whatever we wanted initially is all an illusion; what's really there is what you make it.

One can try and defy love with all their efforts, one can defy hate with all their efforts, but in the end there is one truth and one truth only: true love will conquer.

If it doesn't seem right at the time than hey if you love them so damn much you can wait.

The truth is that every five minutes tears fill my eyes because I made a decision that will effect my life to a maximum and I can't really figure out if it was the right one. Reguardless, going back on things will not change anything, being that the damage is done and I must repress.

The truth is that I am constantly worried about my future that sometimes the present is taken forgrantted.

So stay afloat in that ocean, keep that glorious cloud of hope you have.

There was a reason that I met you.

There was a reason that we felt all that we felt for eachother.

not just to obtain a loss but to bring love, real love to our attention.

No one seemed to understand our relationship...that's what made it so special.

So now I sit here so silently yet my thoughts are screaming out loud.

Keep floating in your ocean, keep the hope in your cloud.

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