Look into my mind, look into my world

Thursday, February 25, 2010

See the invisible

To live content with small means to seek elegance rather than luxury, and refinement rather than fashion; to be worthy, not respectable, and wealthy, not rich. To listen to stars and birds, voices and sages with an open heart; to study hard; to think quietly, act frankly, talk gently, await occasions, hurry never in a word. To let the spiritual unbidden and unconscious, grow up through the common.

Somtimes there is nothing that can take the place of internal emptiness. You can try and find the reason why you just don't have enough enegy to argue, but all the time in the world to cry. Why candle light seems so much more soothing than the light of day. Why it feels so good to just bask in you own anger and sadness, why the sun doesn't feel right on the darkness of your thoughts. Sometimes there are things we can't explain, things we do that there are no reasons as to why we mindlessly do them. Those things feel so right at the moment but so wrong in another. Our minds work in a way that we can't comprehend, which is why I need to explain my self. Writing is my only outlet. Just a blank canvas on which no one can judge you for. Painting pictures with words is what my life is about. So let me paint this picture for you darling because you deserve every word.

I once stopped to think about the tingling in my stomach whenever I thought about you. The way my heart wants to burst every time we kiss. The way I think about the day that we'll only need each other, no one else. I rememeber someone one told me that lies will lock you up, the truth the only key. Well I was locked up, and I gave you the key. Transparency is the most beautiful thing about us now, and I want you to accept that things happen sometimes. I want you to know that no matter what happens you will always be, to me, a light that no one else can discover. A map to things I can't discover by myself. Words are just words but I have fallen in love with the art of literature. The way a group of words can make a world of difference in someones eyes, it can create emotion. But even more incredible is the art to express thoughts through these fine words and here it goes. I'm writing down everything I feel.

Look a little deeper so you can see the invisible. Take a little time to remember the moments that we could just cry because we were so happy yet so afraid that it would end to soon. Take a moment to remember all of the words that were said and the feelings that were stimulated. I've never felt that way before. I will not let you down again. I will never let you down. I step outside my mind's eye's for a minute. And I look over me like a doctor looking for disease, or something that could ease the pain. But nothing cures the hurt you bring on by yourself. Even though it's hard to see that the glass is not half empty but half full, I want you to close your eyes and invision my presence.

Emptiness that we share is no longer absent, it is very present. I know what's wrong, and I know now why your pain hurts me so much. I know why this feeling is so dormant over me, and it's because i'm in love with you.

Sunday, February 7, 2010


There's a certain light that we look for when all else fails. A certain light that's there no matter what, whether we create it in our minds or not. Whether it's really there or just a false apparition of our fallen minds. Hope.

Hope triggers the souls deepest intentions.

We look to the ocean when a hurricane comes upon us, we look to the sky when lighting hits above us. The truth is that we want to know what's out there for what it really is.

But when it comes to emotions, we don't want to know anything. All we want to know is the words that will make us feel better. But that's not always the truth.

One who seeks the truth makes promises they can keep.

Truth: We all live in denial; admit it. Open your eyes, what do you see? Is it everything you really wanted? Is it more? Too much? Too little? Is everything perfect...but still doesn't seem right? Whatever we wanted initially is all an illusion; what's really there is what you make it.

One can try and defy love with all their efforts, one can defy hate with all their efforts, but in the end there is one truth and one truth only: true love will conquer.

If it doesn't seem right at the time than hey if you love them so damn much you can wait.

The truth is that every five minutes tears fill my eyes because I made a decision that will effect my life to a maximum and I can't really figure out if it was the right one. Reguardless, going back on things will not change anything, being that the damage is done and I must repress.

The truth is that I am constantly worried about my future that sometimes the present is taken forgrantted.

So stay afloat in that ocean, keep that glorious cloud of hope you have.

There was a reason that I met you.

There was a reason that we felt all that we felt for eachother.

not just to obtain a loss but to bring love, real love to our attention.

No one seemed to understand our relationship...that's what made it so special.

So now I sit here so silently yet my thoughts are screaming out loud.

Keep floating in your ocean, keep the hope in your cloud.

Tuesday, February 2, 2010

When goals take over

Sometimes I wonder if this is what I wanted.

Is this what comes with being goal oriented? Sleepless nights wondering if i'll ever get anywhere? Get to the place that I need to be?

I have so many places...so many ideas that I want to pursue. Who am I anyways?

What do I want? I want to be happy. I want to be succesful... but how do I get there?

I want to write forever, I want to love and live and smile and laugh

I know what I want, it just takes time.

I see people get discouraged over tiny failures...wait for what's to come.

One's true character is determined by what he or she does in those instances when everything seems to fail. Sometimes I just want to curl up in my bed and not wake up until everything is okay again. Sometimes I just want to fast forward in time to a place where I want to be.

But we have to know that not everything is going to be rainbows and sunshine all the time. We have to know that without the darkness we would never see light. Without the storm there is no calm.

So I guess i'm in the middle of the storm.

But no way am I giving up. I have everything I need to accomplish everything i've ever wanted.

It's just so tempting to give up everything and go party all night...but why?

Why do people waste their lives doing such unethical things when they know that in the long run nothing will be okay? It's okay to live in the moment sure... I know what that's like. But also one has to think about the future... the goals. Am I the only one who thinks about these things now?
Everyone tells me there is time.... but the truth is:
There is no time. There is time to see the light, the smiles, to laugh
but there is no time to sit back and do absolutely nothing because one day we are all going to have no reason to wake up in the morning.
How about that?
That's what i'm scared of. That one day i'll just give up.
But I know I won't. I'm going to keep on going. I'm going to be where I want to be very soon.

Monday, February 1, 2010

Love drops rain drops.

I fall slowly, waiting patiently

floating lightly, breathing softly

Whispers waiting to free themselves of silence

Your words are soft enough to calm the universe's violence.

Your eyes in time, can make our world's combine

can see our souls intertwine,

your hands in mine, your heart will shine.

droplets of water caressing our skin,

sending shivers up my spine, how can I begin?

We kiss and move as if we're telling a story

take me through the wind and don't make we worry

your love is mine, we are bound forever

as I fall very slowly we'll still be together.