Look into my mind, look into my world

Monday, August 15, 2011

Men are creatures of the amazon

It's funny how people work, as I've noticed in the past few weeks. You give them a little, they give you a little, you give them alot, they give you nothing. If only human's werent trained to want what they can't have. The world would be a boring place, I would like to say, but a much easier one at that. The thing about games is that you want to play, but only when you're winning. When you're losing it's just a dead end, forcing you to give up and move on. Quite honestly, I think men will never grow up, no matter the age. Sorry boys, but it's somewhat true. Find me a man that will take initiative and will honor my codes of infinite conduct and ethics, text me goodmorning and goodnight, so I know he's thinking about me even when we arent speaking. Find me a man who can make me think, but at the right times. Not at the wrong times. I'll take em'.
The problem is, when you really have so much to give and you think you've found the right person to give it to, and they end up being the wrong one. You end up looking like a damn fool thinking you were all happy and dandy, when really you were just blind.
There is also something beautiful about minor heartbreak, you're not broken but you're not whole. Meaning there is room to patch yourself up and keep learning, keep moving. Only the strong are capable of this. Only the mature are capable of embracing this. Moving on, changing, learning, are all beautiful things. Those people who are afraid of change are just afraid of growing up. Part of growing up is being able to deal with changes that arise and are presented to you in various situations through life. When I look back on all of the defining moments that have really pushed me to be who I am now, I think back to how I felt in the midst of those moments. I would have given anything to reverse, to go back and change what I did or how I acted. But if I had not experienced these types of things, where would I be? All of these things happen for a reason which is why I truly believe that things do happen for a reason. Things are meant to happen so that in the end everything is right. So that in the end everything is in your favor. And if it's not, well then hell, you're just being negative. Happiness is not a destination, as we all may think, but a state of mind. You can be happy anywhere, in any situation, no matter what. Just as long as you look at things in a positive light, and if there is truly nothing positive about it then embrace it as something that will define you in the future. Embrace it as something that will shape your maturity so that for next time you won't be as weak. I consider myself a rather strong person, but sometimes I look in the mirror and view myself as the weakest human being on the planet for feeling these feelings. Why though? Everyones allowed to feel. Everyone is allowed to go a little crazy (maybe more than a little...) over someone or something so temporary. It's called infatuation: a foolish and usually extravagant passion or love or admiration. Foolish it is, controllable it is not.

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