"I figured it's like in the Bible, the Adam and Eve deal?" the Captain said. "Adam's first night on earth? When he lays down to sleep? He thinks it's all over, right? He doesn't know what sleep is. His eyes are closing and he thinks he's leaving this world, right?"
"Only he isn't. He wakes up the next morning and he has a fresh new world to work with, but he has something else, too. He has his yesterday."
Everyday, we wake up to a whole new day with a whole new light, a new outlook, and a whole new purpose. Although this concept is probably one of the most incredible concepts we have yet to fathom, it continues to go un-cherished. Taken forgranted.
But what we don't realize is that everyday we are given the blessing of a new day, we are also given the blessing of so many other things. Opportunities, experiences, choices. Today I was sitting outside in my backyard having coffee with myself and my thoughts and I realized how lucky I am to have woken up on this beautiful day. Right then and there I thought, how can I show that i'm grateful for all of this? How can I show that I appreciate everything that's been put in front of me to work with? Then I got it. I realized that all of these things put in front of us like beautiful days and staggering sunsets are all for us to create more with. Beautiful things inspire ideas, and ideas inspire creation. The cycle begins with that small inspiration, that's why as time goes on we keep creating more and more technology.
As we learn to live with ourselves and technology we learn that the only real thing out there is interaction with other human beings. Finding love and giving it is the truest thing one can experience. Learning how to give is learning how to sacrifice things for the people we love.
Sacrifice is often misunderstood. It's a part of life, its supposed to be. It's not something to regret, it's something to aspire to. Little sacrifices, big sacrifices. A mother works so her son can go to school. A daughter moves home to take care of her sick father.
"That's the thing. Sometimes when you sacrifice something precious, you're not really losing it. You're just passing it on to someone else."
There's something about miserable people that just gets to me. They don't see that things WILL get better. Although it's hard to see the reason for circumstances at that moment, with time the reason for things clears up and arises. If there was one thing I would ever have to reget, it would be regretting. It wastes time and energy. There's no point of stressing over something that you can't control. Just don't worry, be happy. Life is dark sometimes for a reason-reason being so that we can destinguish the light parts of life. So we can illuminate the brightest moments of life with contrast to the dark ones.
The most sacred place dwells within our heart, where dreams are born and secrets sleep, a mystical refuge of darkness and light, fear and conquest, adventure and discovery, challenge and transformation. Our heart speaks for our soul every moment while we are alive.